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Testing types

The schema we give you here is unique and believe me – you will use it during all you future QA career.

Testing types


Structure of testing types

Here you can see how test types are grouped and it is super important to use the types during designing your test plan, and answering interview questions

Testing pyramid

Testing pyramid is widely used way to determine if the testing coverage is efficient. It is a common issue having an anti-pattern on the project where we see the 100% rotated pyramid

Testing types

Testing types


Testing suites according to delivery phase

Based on SDLC the testing starts from the very beginning of the project – requirements testing. Then QA team runs the regression testing and moves step by steps to smoke testing. It is common that QA team names the test suites based on the testing types: regression suite, uat(acceptance) suite, smoke suite

Example of testing types in release iteration

Here is a great example of QA activities for a release iteration. In this specific example where one release takes 2 sprint, 2 weeks each. You can see what QA team does according to iteration’s state, before, after deployment

testing activities in Sprint release iteration


testing types based on system knowladge


Based on system knowledge

For Black Box you don’t need to know the backend of the system and QA does the testing via GUI. Gray Box testing includes Black Box and requires QA to know and test backend services and do SQL queries. White Box is more advanced and includes other 2 types

Other Testing Types

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Alex Kara
By Alex Kara on Jul 16, 2021
QA Testing Types